Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All Work and No Play

I'm getting tired of this. Anyway, I finished cleaning the stairs today. Now I've got to de-grime myself in the shower and pack some glasses to ship, and go to the P.O. to get some priority mail boxes, and go to the store for cat food and detergent so I can finish a few piles of laundry.

I bought this set of juice or wine glasses in 1960 as a gift to Flora Cage. She never used them, and they stood in her cabinet for 30 years or so. When she moved to the retirement home, she gave them back to me. I've never used them, and they've stood in my cabinet for 20 years or so. Although I sold them for a lot less than they were worth, even in 1960, I'm still glad to see the last of them and get the freed-up space.
I finished reading the book of Acts yesterday. I had read it before but had forgot all the trials and suffering that Paul went through, how hard he worked and how constantly he traveled. When they were shipwrecked, he picked up some firewood and a poisonous snake grabbed ahold of his hand; they waited for him to keel over dead, but he just shook the snake off into the fire and kept on preaching, or whatever he was doing.
I reckon Luke wrote the book of the Acts, because it's addressed to Theophilus, like his gospel. And he apparently traveled with Paul a lot, because he kept saying "we" did or saw this or that.

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