Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sittin' by the side of the cat. . .

Yesterday I ordered a CD of the soundtrack from "Michael," one of my favorite movies. I don't pick unpopular ones on purpose, but sometimes it seems like I'm one of the few to make any kind of fuss over movies that I really like. I think "Michael" is one of the most delightful comedies made in the 20th century. That's the kind of comedy I like, not slapstick or Charlie Chaplinesque "humor," or sex jokes. And a bit of romance and pathos thrown in doesn't hurt.

Anyway, some of the best songs are Bonnie Raitt's "Feels Like Home," "The Bright Side of the Road" by V. Morrison, and "I Don't Care If You Love Me Anymore."
(The title of this post: Mo is looking out the window, and I'm looking at the computer.)

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I love that movie. But then I like almost any movie with John Travolta.