Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catching Up

I made a list of all the things to do today: Packing and mailing stuff, catching up my laundry, putting away stacks of plates and other dishes that I've pulled out of the cabinets just to see what I've got that I had forgot about. Also getting back on schedule with my medicines and supplements; it gets hard to swallow all those pills, some of which would choke a horse. Some have to be broken in half, and those are even harder to swallow than the big whole ones.

About the stainless flatware set that I liked: I only put in one low bid, and the bidding spiraled upward, so I abandoned that idea. I have filled out the application form for the poodle dog, but will probably change my mind before the deal is done. That is, even if someone else doesn't get him first.

Gad! Friday I have that appointment for a Dexascan. I'm thinking about canceling it entirely.

Funny dream this morning just before I woke up: There was a dinosaur in the front yard, and Mo and I were staring at it, frozen with terror. But there was a big fallen tree lying on the grass, and I picked it up and waved it at the dinosaur, and it retreated around the back of the house. Then I went in and started trying to fortify the doors and walls so that it couldn't get in. Shoulda thought to call 911.


Noon: I spent 2 hours packing a big set of books I have to mail. Then the FedEx man came and left me a package with 2 glasses to replace ones I've broken, and a gorgeous pink plate.

Then I walked around outside until I felt recovered from wrestling with the books. My old hydrangeas are just covered with buds, some beginning to open out. They're going to be pale blue. I've been watering them with a solution of some kind of plant food.


JD Atlanta said...

I've had similar dreams, but usually about zombies. But, in about 90% of my dreams, I am able to fly. So I usually just fly away and leave the zombies to their own bad selves!

By the way - like the Bible verse.

Joanne Cage said...

That was a pretty big tree, in the dream, and I just grabbed it up with both hands and shook it at that monster.

JD Atlanta said...

We should start a comic book. You can use your super strength to swat monsters with trees, telephone poles, etc. I can use my ability to fly across town and pick up lunch!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I heart that pink plate.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

You know what? If you want a dog (and you obviously want a dog but just not the added responsibility), you just have to close your eyes and grit you teeth and get your dog. After the initial shock wears off, you'll find that the added responsibility is worth the joy the doggie brings (at least most of the time).

Joanne Cage said...

I've decided I'm going to get BJB if Glenda thinks I'm good enough for him.