Thursday, May 27, 2010

No-Travel Day

This morning I looked down the street and saw the mail truck coming. So I didn't have to take my package to the P.O. because I gave it to the mail lady. She said she started early today because of all the Memorial Day mailings.

I haven't abandoned my project of reading the Bible this year. I've just transferred all my religious readings, and future comments, to another blog for the time being. I may shift it back at any time, so y'all (and me), be good.

The mail lady also handed me a long narrow package which contained Mme. Alexander's Alice. She's not as perfect as she appeared in the photos, clothes a little soiled, but that's OK. I hope someone buys the two that I've got listed on eBay.

I watched the last half of the President's news conference today, and I almost cried for him. He's between a rock and a hard place on this oil spill crisis. Reminds me of when I used to watch Richard Nixon being sincere, and felt the tears rise in my nose.

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