Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bond James Bond

That's the name of this poodle dog who's available for adoption in Vinemont, Alabama. Sometimes I wish Commonsense would keep quiet until I get me a dog. I had already emailed back and forth with Glenda at the site, before I remembered that I don't want (need) any more pets. But isn't that the charmingest name for a dog? A poodle. A young male black poodle, with a white chest and white paws.
His head looks about the size of the head of the lady holding him, so maybe he's a real standard poodle (or mix) instead of a miniature. But whatever his size or lineage, I would treat him like a prince of the blood.
I tried to list the green china on Craigslist last night, but got sleepy before I figured it all out. I would sleep all day today, if I didn't have to get about 40 pounds of stuff ready to mail.
7:45 p.m. For my dinner I made a spinach quiche, not really knowing what I was doing. But it turned out so good, I had to speak sharply to myself to keep from eating the other half, or picking at the crust around the edges. I should be ashamed of eating so much; but it'll never be as good again, after it gets cold.
I wish my family, what's left of it, would revive our erstwhile practice of eating at each other's house once a week. Sunday dinner/supper, maybe. Everybody make something good and bring it. Or sometimes, or most of the time, just treat each other. Let's do that.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Just hold on till I get my house back together and I'm going to start entertaining more (at least family). Dinners, BBQs, lunches, etc.

Becky Young said...

Hi Joanne. Did you ever sell your Franciscan Silver Pine china? I did a search on Google and your blog came up. I have been looking for a set that is reasonable after passing up a set at a yard sale a couple of years ago and kicking myself ever since. I think it is just lovely.