Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I sold three books yesterday, after more than a week of no sales at all. Amazon dances to its own piper.

Books read in March 1998:

The Abandoned Woman, by Richard Condon. Historical fiction, about England's George IV and Queen Caroline. (Best in March)

Gulf Coast Stories, short stories by Erskine Caldwell (OK)

Lost Laysen. Newly discovered stuff about Margaret Mitchell's youth, and a novella she wrote at age 14; an incident and 2 characters in it foreshadow Ashley Wilkes (or Rhett Butler) and Tony Fontaine. (Amazing)

The Devil in Music, by Kate Ross. (Good)


With the temperatures 'way down in the 80s, I think it's about time for another yard sale. Of course, there are a few treasures (among these treasures) that I wouldn't sell, and some that I don't have any more.

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I ordered Witch by B. Michaels from Paperback Swap. I'm looking forward to reading it.