Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back to the grindstone

Today I'm going back to writing four hours a day, no matter what happens. If the doorbell rings, I may peek out the window to see if I recognize a car on the curb, but I won't get up unless it's the President. If it's the police, they can break the door down, but I'll still pound these keys until they drag me out.

As a reward, I'm going to put a fresh flower or bouquet on my desk every day when I've done my writing time.

That little Aynsley vase in the photo is one I brought from England for my mother. I reclaimed it after she passed away.
Something odd: I posted last week about the doctor's report on my blood work, about how everything was copasthetic, better than last checkup. Then yesterday he phoned and said he had got my blood work back, and it was good but there were a few minor problems. My immunoglobulin was low (I think that means my resistance to infection), my bad cholesterol was a bit high and my good c. a bit low, etc., etc. I said thank you very much for letting me know.
I have pondered this, and I think what happened is that he (on the phone) was reading my results from my checkup last year instead of the one from last week. Something like that has happened before, when he would turn too many pages in my chart and ask me if I was still taking some med he had discontinued long ago. Curious.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Sometimes doctors scare me. But I guess we can't complain too much. If I saw as many patients as they do (or if I saw more than one) I'd get everything mixed up. I don't remember that little vase, but it's pretty.

JD Atlanta said...

Most of the time, most doctors aren't paying their full attention to the case in front of them. That sounds cynical, but I've caught my doctors making mistakes more than once.