Saturday, January 9, 2010

"...I'd sit down, and think some more..."

It seems I do still have a brain, and today it's running on all cylinders, if that's a valid metaphor. All I have to do is think, "New idea!" and I get another good or useful idea. And I didn't even sleep all that much last night, only 4-5 hours.

1. One of the good ideas came to me this morning while I was conducting one of my intensive searches, this time for the room deodorizer. I realized that I have previously, and almost unconsciously, established a Permanent Home for a couple of items that I constantly searched for: The 18" ruler resides in the top left buffet drawer, Rick's ruler in the desk drawer, camera in the top drawer in the foyer, binoculars in one of the Lillian Vernon table drawers, phone books in the cabinet over the oven, etc. So if I assign a Permanent Home to all or most of the things not nailed to the house, I can cut down on the hours of time spent searching.

2. I think I've previously mentioned the possible emergence of a January, or a 2010, novel. It's slow getting started, but I believe it'll get there sometime this year. It's beginning to shape up as science fiction combined with mystery, I think. I've written a prologue, and a list of chapter headings with tentative action notes in each chapter, as a sort of outline. But all that may change. I worked on it for a couple of hours this morning. And I plan from now on to quit planning and thinking about it, but just plunge in and tell the story.

3. I do seem to write better in the a.m., and can't write every day because of having to mail books on some Saturday mornings. My writing sessions last for almost exactly two hours, not always because I run out of ideas, but mostly because I get tired of sitting and typing; then it's hard to go back after a break. So I'm going to write for two hours, at least three days a week.
Well, what a beautiful sunny day today is! I've just noticed.


JD Atlanta said...

These all sound like good ideas ... along with your baby steps!!

JD Atlanta said...

... and 322.9 on S.T.P.

Joanne Cage said...

I'm almost afraid to ask, because maybe I'm supposed to know. But what in the world is S.T.P.?

JD Atlanta said...

That online game you showed me - smack the penguin.

Joanne Cage said...

I think my high was 321.9. So far.