Friday, July 22, 2011

So Long, Big Baby

Yesterday I printed out the novel, prepared cover letters and stuff to go with it, and got it ready to send to River City Publishing's Fred Bonnie Award contest. So when the laundry gets done and I have some clean jeans to put on, I'll go to the P.O. and mail the package. If that doesn't "pan out," I'll see if Mary Chris will read the whole thing and consider it. And if that doesn't, I guess it'll join the others in the bottom drawer.

Next I'll tackle the book of my poems. I'm determined to get this between covers and looking professional, though I'm sure I'll have to have it done myself.
 The Game and Playe of the Chesse, by Jacob Cessolis, translated and printed by William Caxton in March 1474, via Project Gutenberg Ebook - It took me 8 days to read this; I finished it today. It doesn't dwell much on the actual game, but it's a great lesson in medieval thought and lifestyles. In describing each chess piece, he identifies them with the particular levels of society and tells the right way for each to act and move, and all the ways not to act and move. This is one of the antique books in Eustace's bookcase, in China Court. I think it was the first book printed in England.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Good luck. I hope River City snaps it up. They should.

Deb said...

I'm so excited about your book and the poems! You'll need to keep posting about both! Hope you're having a cooler weekend. Yesterday, I drove through heat lightening for over 2 hours! While amzing to watch, it's distracting while driving!

JD Atlanta said...

I hope they give you good news and soon!

I took a look at The Game and Playe of the Chesse - but I think that I would need some serious translation.