Sunday, November 24, 2013

Down Under the Interstate

One night this week, I dreamed that Jed and I were looking at houses in a new development. One house we saw, from some distance away, was perched on a slab at least six or eight stories above the ground. The column under the slab that held it up was an elevator shaft. There were windows at every story level, so the elevator must have stopped at a room or observation point at each level. I thought, I'd rather live down under the interstate, or in a tent over by the Grindrock Spring.

Just now I Googled and found pictures of several houses built on pedestals, but none that looked as high up as the one in my dream.


Of course, I'll sell the dollhouse. I've already got plans to turn my dining room into a sewing/crafts room, and move the d.r. furniture into the front end of the living room. I'll make Dave help me move the furniture when he comes to get the dollhouse. Meanwhile, I've got to get busy making curtains for my bare windows.

1 comment:

Deb said...

That is one wild dream! I don't know if I could live in a house so far up! I had a friend that lived on the 7th story and I never went more than half way across the room, as it would have been too close to the windows!