Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Long Day's Journey

I went shopping at Wal Mart. My cart was only about half full when I checked out, and it had taken me half a day to find that much. There were shoppers with carts piled high, and I felt like asking them if they started yesterday. It takes me forever to find anything in that store, unless it's fabric, and then when you find what you're looking for, they don't have your brand. I'm wo' out, as Mable says.

My right hand is swollen and numb. I didn't feel like quilting today, anyway. I think I'll just take a long nap, and when I wake up, I'll start cleaning up and cooking for tomorrow's dinner.


JD Atlanta said...

I never really enjoy shopping. I tend to stick to stores that I always go to, so I can find what I need fast and go home!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I hate going to Walmart! Thanks for the great dinner yesterday. It was delicious and fun.

Becky Young said...

Hi Joanne. Did you ever sell your Franciscan Silver Pine china? I did a search on Google and your blog (from last May)came up. I have been looking for a set that is reasonable after passing up a set at a yard sale a couple of years ago and kicking myself ever since. I think it is just lovely.