Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pepper and Vinegar

Woke up this morning feeling peppy, eager to get at some of those UFOs. I've put them all in the cedar chest, and hope to get it emptied out sometime in the future. But I can't think about them now; I've got to use this burst of energy to get myself down to the courthouse and take care of business.

I need a picture of myself sitting at the computer, my hair all wild, and Mo invariably in my lap waiting to be squeezed.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Love that picture. You do looked peppery.

JD Atlanta said...

I'm about 4 weeks late for a haircut, so I'm starting to look a lot like that picture!

Glad you liked True Grit. Did you get a copy? If so, I would like to borrow it. I'll bring you an Aubry in return!