Saturday, January 22, 2011

Something There Is That Doesn't Love a Writer

Or doesn't want me to be one. One such something is Mo the Cat. Well, if it isn't one damn' thing after another, it's something else. I strove all week to have a day when I didn't have something urgent to do, so I could have a whole day to write. It came down to Friday, which is hardly ever a good day to get anything done. I paid some bills and a few other such nuisances, then was going to the P.O. or somewhere, and both--BOTH cars had dead batteries.

I got the Murray's guy to come and jump-start the cars. He said the cold weather could make batteries lose the charge, but I asked him to check the truck to see if I was leaving something turned on, and sure enough, the light switch behind the rear-view mirror was turned on.

I backed the Lincoln out and left it running in the driveway while I drove the Tracker around on my errands. Then I drove the Lincoln to the Chevron to put air in the tires, so I could drive it to Moody to the tire store. But the Friday, school bus and going-home-traffic was so heavy, I came on back to the house.

I turned on the computer and the doorbell rang. With that dreadful "What Now!" feeling, I answered the door, but it was just a bunch of school kids wanting a contribution for something or other. After I dealt with that, it occurred to me that I was hungry. (So was Mo, but he's always hungry.)

After I ate something--leftover mushroom pie, but that's another story--I made that pie Wednesday, and had 2 dishwasher loads to clean up after it. Anyway, I got mad and finished binding my Una quilt; I even sewed a hanging tube on the back of it. The camera hasn't yet healed itself; you'll just have to imagine a 1/4-inch dark red binding around it.

This took what hours remained of the day, pulling out all that tangled thread and dealing with the (expletive deleted) sewing machine, and a thimble that wouldn't stay on my finger.

And then I didn't sleep well or long. So that's what I plan to do today. I ought to take the Lincoln and get those tires fixed, but when didn't I ought to do something I don't feel like doing?

I am proud to have the quilt finished and off my mind.


JD Atlanta said...

The quilt looks good. Glad to hear that there is nothing unfixable about the Tracker. I'lll look for the title before I come over next time, and bring you the papers I have on the Lincoln so you can get a new title.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Congrats on your UFO bust. One of the prettiest and most interesting quilts ever.
I have lots of ought-tos also. Always do.